As I’m sure you’re aware, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is having an increased impact on
our community, and we feel it’s important to share more about the steps we take – and
the enhanced measures we’ve now implemented – to keep you and our employees safe
and healthy.
We’re closely following the guidelines and recommendations of the Center for Disease
Control (CDC) and local governments. We are updating our plans daily, proactively
communicating with our team, and doing all that we can to prevent further spread of the
We are being sure that our staff and our communities are safe by using protective
barriers such as gloves and masks, along with hand sanitizer often. And of course by following the Michigan COVID-19 guidelines. We have canceled all interior window cleaning for the remainder for the 2020 season and will ask all client to remove screens from the inside when necessary. We are also planning routes with multiple trucks (as opposed to share ride systems) and with routes that minimize our travel area daily.
We urge everyone to stay aware and keep following Michigan COVID-19 guidelines. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns during this season.
